Thursday, November 8, 2007

At school

Tonight I have to go back to my school for an assembly for VETERAINS DAY. All of the fith grade has to sing a bunch of songs. But my cousin is being a butt and doesn't want to come because a tv show of his is on (so selfish). Isn't he a jerk?
Is what sucks is that I have to be there at 6:30 when it starts at 7:30. I also have to learn nine different songs. Well that's it.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


If you have noticed on my picture my mouth is red well on the other end of me (my butt) it is red there to but it looks like a smile so I told one of my cousins that I have alway liked happy endings.


This is the story about JA BUISTOWN. Only the fith grade gets to go but we all have to apply for a job or the mayer for one whole day.
At the end of the day the mayer had to give a speech on how the day went. This place is somewhere in Seatle. It is probably the size of a school gym.


Today my teacher gave us a page of homework that no one understood not even herself. So I said, lets just skip it but she said no. Eveybody got mad at her.
When I went home I asked if my cousin could help me and he said yes. When he looked at it he didn't know what some words ment like philanthrofy. We had to go to a dictionary on line and look it up. O yeah I forgot to tell you my cousin is also in college. We found the word and filled in the blanks on my paper but I think its still wrong but what am I going to do about it.
This paper was for a place called JA BUISTOWN but that's a different story that you will find most likely under this glog. So that's my story.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Ghosts of my House

This is my first blog on haunted houses. I'm not sure if you have lived in a haunted house but I for one have lived one. It was kind of kreepy because at knight you wouldn't beable to sleep. I would always tell my mom but she would not believe me. The weirdest thing was that my mom also believed in ghosts.
The first thing was that I would hear tapping on my window but then I would open my window then I would hear it on my wall. Later I saw a blood stain that wasn't there before then it disappeared.
About a year later me and my friend looked in my crawl space and saw a cofin. So we showed my mom and dad but they only saw a bunch of camping stuff so we showed my other friends and they saw a cofin. So it might show up at the adress ............ (sorry but its personal).
The last thing is on Christmas Eve night when I heard crash on my roof so I went into my livingroom and saw a floating cookie being eaten. So from that day on I believe in Santa Clause.
The next Halloween I saw the floating hand tapping on my wall and the blood stain was a ghost shooting another ghost. I never did find out why the cookie was floating and being eaten.